On My Mind...

It is, perhaps, the most covetted culinary prize, “Chili Champion” in the annual Trinity Souper Bowl Challenge.  Okay, maybe that’s an exageration but it is fun.  This Sunday evening, February 9, we will gather in our Fellowship Building for an evening of food, fellowship and fun.  There will be two categories in the competion.  You may enter the chili or soup competion, or both.  Prizes will be awarded in each for first, second and third place.  If you are not entering the competion, you may bring an appetizer, side dish or dessert.  We will start gathering around 5:00 pm, judging will be at 5:30 pm.  There will be corn hole competitions as well.  I hope you will join us, it’s always fun and yes, the game will be on the screen if you want to watch but we know why we are really there.

I also want to remind you of the brunch on Saturaday February 15 for widows and widowers sponsored by our youth.  A wonderful meal is being prepared for you.  Make sure you let us know you are coming.  You can speak to Kylie Harris or you can call the church office.  We need to know by the 9th so that we make sure we are adequately prepared.  There is also a Keenager Party that evening.  There is a sign-up sheet on the Keenager board just outside the music room.

Please continue to pray for those who are struggling with the latest round of sickness.  I counted 20-25 folks out this past Sunday due to sickness.  That’s a conservative number, there may be more.  I know that hospitals are at capcity and some schools have even gone to distance learning due to the high numbers.  Pray not only for those who are sick but also for those who are giving care, that they not weary in doing good.  

Pray for Good News Club at Robertson as they began meeting last week for the spring semester.  They will be meeting this afternoon.  Pray that the seed of the gospel will be planted, watered and nurished in the weeks to come and that there might be fruit from their labors.  Also pray for our Overcomers meeting on Thursday evenings.  Pray for this time of encouragement and fellowship as folks learn to walk together, sharing one another’s burdens and live out their faith together.  It’s not just for those struggling with addiction, it for anyone and everyone who needs some encouragement.  Check them out, Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Building.

I’m looking forward to worshiping with you and your family, as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.  Have a blessed week, and I’ll see you Sunday.
