On My Mind...

Well, things have been interesting weather-wise!  As I sit here to write, we are looking at another, potentially more potent, storm.  It know this, it’s cold out there.  This seems a good time to remind you of our weather policy.  We ask everyone to use common sense and determine whether or not it is wise for you to get out.  If services are not canceled, the live stream will be available.  Check the church app for information about services.  If we have time we will get a note on the website and an email.  That was not possible this past Sunday due to the “lateness” of the decision.  I was just getting ready to leave my house Sunday, when Bob Lowery called and said, “The parking lot is just solid ice.”  Val Smith was trying to spread some salt, Jason Stevens had come early to check.  They all agreed that the parking lot was a real problem.  There was not time to make it safe for folks getting from their cars into the building, so I decided it best to cancel.  I put it on the app immediately and asked folks to help spread the word.  We also called and texted some folks we knew had a longer drive.  Val stayed in the parking lot until around 9:45 to catch anyone who might not have gotten the message.  There were a couple of folks.  Thanks Val for your assistance.  I do apologize for the late notice but I’m glad that word did seem to get around quickly.  Again, I want to express that each of you should make the decision that is best for you and your family.  We canceled due to the potential danger of getting into the building.  This time the problem was not getting “to church” but getting “in the church.”  The forcast calls for dangerous temperatures and more snow for Tuesday-Wednesday.  Just know now, that if we get significant snow, there will not be services on Wednesday night.  We do not have the equipment to clear the parking lot.  Watch the app for information.

Thanks to our youth for the Widows & Widowers Brunch on Saturday.  Thank you for thinking of, and carng for others.  Thank you for the food and your being there.  Thanks to Kylie and Megan for all your work.

The deacons meetingn that was scheduled for last Sunday will be at 4:30 on the 23rd.  Don’t forget the 60 anniversay celebration for Richard and Dorothy Haynes on Saturday, February 22 at 3:00 pm in the fellowship building.

I’m looking forward to worshiping with you and your family, as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.  Have a blessed week, and I’ll see you Sunday.
