From the pastor\'s mind

Praise the Lord for a great day Sunday!  The Lord continues to bless us.  We have another baptism scheduled for this coming Sunday.  I’m visiting with 4 others this week who are ready for baptism.  Meanwhile, our finances are holding strong.  Thank you for your faithfulness.  

Also, on Sunday we began our study of the book of Esther.  I’m looking forward to our making our way through this fascinating little book.  Along the way we will be encouraged and strengthened by this powerful reminder of God’s hidden work through the Hand of Providence.  When things are difficult and life seems pointless and out of control, it is critical to remember God is ever-present and always working.  Life may seem a series of random, unconnected events but the hand of God is working all things for our good and His glory.  Romans 8:28 is a precious and comforting promise but I do find myself, at times, saying, “Lord, I believe.  Help my unbelief!”  At times, it’s not a matter of seeing through a glass darkly, it is staring through a glass impenetrable.  It is then that we must rest in the sovereignty, the goodness, and the kindness of our God.  He is worthy of our trust.  Rest in Him.  John Flavel was right.  Providence, like a Hebrew word, is best read backwards.  It is in looking back we see His hand.  Thus, we must always view our lives as part of a larger story.  We cannot, we must not judge our lives based on today.  Our lives are a patchwork knitted together by a Divine hand.  Thus, we walk by faith and not by sight.  I’m praying our journey through Esther will encourage us and equip us to live with just such a perspective.

We hope to be wrapping up the directory this week.  If you have not yet had your picture taken, there is still time.  We will be set up in the fellowship building before Sunday School and after church this Sunday.  

I’ll see you Sunday.
