The Mind of the Pastor

We had a great day Sunday.  We even had electricity and air conditioning!  We weathered the storm with quite a few having a lot to clean up.  A couple of folks with trees on their house, limbs blocking driveways and lots of debris to pick up but a great crowd made it to services Sunday morning and evening.

Today begins VBS.  We’ve got some folks here now putting finishing touches on things for this evening.  I know many worked hard over the weekend to be ready.  Some brave souls even worked in the dark and the heat in the fellowship building.  Pray for our workers and the kids who will be attending this year’s VBS.  We will be learning about following Jesus this week and that, “Following Jesus changes everything!”

I also wanted to remind you that next Sunday, July 2, is our First Sunday Luncheon.  We will be celebrating the 4th with hot dogs and ice cream.  We will provide the hotdogs and buns, you bring side dishes and or homemade ice cream.  We always have a great time of fellowship at these luncheons.  I hope you will join us Sunday.
