Just Thinking

Praise God for a wonderful weekend.  Reports are we had a great turnout for the shower on Saturday and then a wonderful time Sunday with Bible Study, morning and evening worship!  I need to let you know, because it completely failed to register with me yesterday (boy, it seems I’m so forgetful anymore) what was I talking about?  Oh yeah, Wednesday evening is our quarterly business meeting.

We will be meeting in the Fellowship Building this Wednesday, October 18, for our business meeting.  I hope you will join us as we conduct our family business.  We will review our financial report, hear from various committees, vote on teachers, officers and committee members for 2023-2024 and take care of any other business that is brought up.  What timing, we just looked at church governance on Sunday evening and you can see it in action this Wednesday!

I also want to remind you that our First Sunday Lunch on November 5, will be a Thanksgiving Dinner.  The church will provide the Turkey and Ham and we ask that you bring side dishes and desserts.  I’m looking forward to dressing and pie.  It will be a wonderful time, but it would not be the same without you, so I hope you will join us.

Pray for our gathering this coming Lord’s Day.  It is always a joy to gather for worship, but we will also be observing baptism this coming Sunday.  Pray for our teachers as they prepare their lessons and for those who will be working in the nursery and children’s church.  Speaking of children’s church, thank you to those who have stepped up to volunteer.  If you would like to help just let us know in the church office or talk to Jessie Hatcher.

I’ll see you Sunday.  Have a great week!
