Some Thoughts

Some Thoughts…

How many times have you written 2023 instead of 2024?  I cannot believe how times flies.  What I thought were fence posts are actually telephone poles!  I had always heard time speeds up as you age, now I know from experience.  What a wonderful time of fellowship we had at the New Year’s Breakfast.  I did not get an official count but I’m guessing 150 at least and probably more.  I know it was sparce at 8:00 but it soon filled up and stayed that way until well after 10:00!  Thanks to our deacons who did an outstanding job.

I wanted to remind you that we will be voting on the 2024 budget at the end of the service this coming Sunday.  There will be an opportunity for questions, but you are free to contact any of the committee members ahead of time to discuss any concerns.  We ended the year with a spectacular month financially!  Also, at the meeting we will deal with our new financial policy that our committee has be working on.  Most of those actions are already in place others will be added moving forward.  I want to thank Keith Cannon, our chairman for his leadership through this whole process.  Also, the committee members have served us well with their diligence and attention to detail.  Thank you for serving us well.

Sunday is not only the first Sunday of a new year but the first Sunday of the month which means, it’s time for our First Sunday Lunch.  Bring food for your family and some to share as we gather once again around the tables.

I look forward to our getting back on schedule as we begin a new year together.  I’ll see you this coming Lord’s Day!
