On My Mind...

Well, we are a day late in getting the newsletter out because we were without electricity until yesterday afternoon around 4:00 pm.  I tree just up the street west of us took out the power line.  What a great day we had Sunday!  It’s always special when we observe baptism, but it was especially sweet for me getting to baptize one of my grandchildren.  It was also special recognizing our graduates and getting to pray for them as they open a new chapter on their lives.

I want to let you know we decided in deacons’ meeting Sunday to recommend to the church that we form a search committee to begin the process of determining the Lord’s will for our next music leader.  We have three very capable men who have agreed to serve on a rotation during this interim time.  We will have a special called business meeting at the end of the morning service on June 2 to form the committee.  This committee will draw up a job description, working with me and the personnel committee, seek and interview candidates and once they make a decision, they will bring their recommendation to the church for a vote.  I’m asking you to be praying now about this process and for those who will be serving us on this committee.

I also want you to know we are looking for some help with our church website and with our livestream of our services.  If you have computer skills and have an interest in serving in this way, we would love to hear from you!  If you have any questions about any of this, the search committee/process or helping with our online presence, I will be happy to discuss it with you.
Have a blessed week and I will see you Sunday.
