On My Mind...

This week we celebrate our nation’s founding.  I remember years ago, while in seminary, a fellow student was from England.  Another classmate, not the one who set the curve, asked, “Do you have the fourth of July in England?”  The answer was classic.  “Yes, we have July 4th…but we don’t celebrate it.”

Well, we celebrate with fireworks, hotdogs, picnics and a day off.  I’m up for a little flag waving.  I’m proud of my heritage.  I love my country warts and all.  Sure, there are things that cause me great concern.  I’m concerned about our economic condition.  I’m convinced that if we do not get our debt under control we are headed for disaster.  I worry that government has grown too much; that we’ve created a welfare state that is unhealthy and leads to an entitlement mentality that shuns responsibility and stunts initiative.  I believe our moral decay, left unchecked, will prove to be our downfall.  Honestly, watching the presidential debate leaves me wondering, “Is this the best we have to offer?”  Yet, our standard of living is the envy of the world.  The freedom we enjoy is unmatched.  Most precious is still our freedom to worship as we please.  I’m proud to be an American.  I’m grateful for God’s blessing on our nation.  We are what we are by the grace of God.

So, let’s wave the flag.  Let’s sing and celebrate.  But let us never forget to ask God to bless America.  Let us not forget to plead that God would grant us a fresh movement of His Spirit to bring revival and national renewal.  Let us take seriously the privilege and responsibility to vote.  At the same time, understand our hope isn’t found in Washington, Oklahoma City or down on 2nd and Cincinnati.  Our hope rest in a sovereign and gracious God.  Enjoy time with friends and family this week and join us for worship this coming Lord’s Day.  Oh, and don’t forget, it’s first Sunday lunch so bring some food and stay for the fellowship!

I’ll see you Sunday.
