On My Mind...

It’s true.  The older you get the faster life moves.  I blinked and it is September!  Of course, kids are back in school, sports programs are kicking off, a new church year is looming.  Busy times.
As we look at a new year, we have a couple of pressing needs.  One, we have need of someone to coordinate our funeral dinners.  This person will be responsible of overseeing the work of the benevolence committee.  We have folks willing to help serve, set up and clean up.  Folks are good to help provide food, but we need someone to take responsibility for leading and planning these meals.  It is a great ministry investing in the lives of the hurting.  If you are interested, please talk to Lessie Hill for more information.  We also have need for volunteers for children’s church.  That is on Sunday mornings during the worship service.  We have a curriculum that we are using and we need 2 people a week to work with the kids during that time.  It is not a year a round program.  We take summers off and breaks during the holidays.  The problem is that we have so few volunteers.  Most of those volunteering, are doing children’s church and nursery duty and with the current numbers, that means they are only able to attend worship 2 weeks a month.  Such numbers do not justify having children’s church.  If we do not get a substantial increase in volunteers, we will be canceling the program.

Our Good News Club at Robertson Elementary will start again soon.  Pray for these missionaries who are taking the gospel into one of our local schools each week.  If you would like more information about how you can help, or how you can better pray for this week, see Karen Collins.  As another outreach, Webster has started the football program again.  We have an opportunity to feed the team a meal before one of their home games this season.  I believe that game will be on September 20.  We will get you more information as that date is confirmed with the school.

Our music search committee is wrapping up their work and we will be presenting a recommendation in the next week.  We will vote at the end of worship on Sunday morning, September 8.

Don’t forget, next Sunday, September 1, is our first Sunday Lunch.  Bring some food and join us for fellowship around the table after worship next Sunday morning.  Have a great week.

I’ll see you Sunday.
