On My Mind...

Without a doubt there is no greater joy than the joy of being set free.  Set free form bondage.  Liberated from the clutches of a tyrannical force.  But don’t take my word for it.  Ask anyone who has been freed from a P.O.W camp or one who has been held captive behind the iron curtain or been the slave of alcohol or drugs.   Ask any poor soul who has been a victim of endless demonic oppression who is now free of that awful, frightening influence.  But these are dramatic examples.  They bear little or no relation to where most of you are or have ever been.  There is another type of bondage.  A more subtle enemy that is every bit as deadly.  One that can choke the life out of you without your realizing it until it is too late.  The reason it is so dangerous is because it is disguised.  It presents itself as being spiritual.  But rather than being God-centered it is self-centered.  Rather than focusing on God it focuses on self.  It is the system of legalism.  A “faith” that says right standing before God demands meticulous adherence to a rigid set of rules and regulations.  A system that says you get salvation the old fashion way…you earn it!

Paul, in writing the Galatians hammers home the message of freedom and grace.  The over all message of the book is our freedom in Christ.  “It is for freedom that Christ has set you free,” Paul declares.  Paul, with the skill of a surgeon, cuts to the heart of the matter.  He waste no time with diplomacy.   From the opening verse he hammered away at the opposition.  In chapter one he establishes the fact that the gospel he preached was of divine origin.  It was no man-made fairytale; it was a revelation from God.  In chapter two he reminded us that we have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of that message.  We must maintain the truth, the wholeness and purity of the message of salvation by grace alone.  Then, in chapter three, Paul gets to the heart of the matter.  He lays out the essence of the gospel, right standing before God comes by faith in Christ, and Christ alone.  He hammers home the fact that right standing is not accomplished by law-keeping, Sabbath observance, ritual, dietary rules, but by believing, trusting in Christ.  He says, “You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you?  Who has given you the ‘evil eye?’”  Who has clouded your thinking?  You know better.  He, of course, points to the example of Father Abraham.  Then concludes by reminding them of the purpose of the law.  It is not given to save but to reveal our need of a Savior.

So, my advice to you is get off the treadmill.  Stop working feverishly to earn God’s favor and rest in Christ.  As God’s child, you have been clothed with the righteousness of Christ.  Stop striving to earn His love and start demonstrating your gratitude for being assured of His love.  The same labor but without the stress.  Rather than being driven by the whip, be compelled by devotion.  That’s what is on my mind this morning.

Have a blessed week and I’ll see you Sunday.
