On My Mind...

I just want to take a moment to remind you of a couple of things.  There is one more Sunday to give to the annual Thanksgiving Offering.  That is this Sunday, November 24.  This offering is divided equally between John 3:16 Mission and Meals on Wheels to help meet the needs of our neighbors during the holiday season.  Both these organizations are worthy of our support.  They are there, week in and week out, caring for those in need.  100% of what you give we go to these two fine organizations.  Just make sure you mark your envelope, “Thanksgiving Offering,” to insure it gets credited properly.  Thank you for your gifts!  Also, as a part of our worship this Sunday, you will have an opportunity to give thanks.  We will have a time in the service for you to stand up and quickly state something you are thankful for.  This is not a testimony time, just a quick sentence or two something you are thankful for.  We will have a couple of young people with wireless mics so that you can be heard.  Scripture commands us to be thankful in all things and for all things.  We believe this will be an encouragement to all as we, together, give thanks.

Also, I want to remind you the special service we have planned for Sunday evening, December 8th.  We will be hanging the greens in our evening service.  This will be a time of music, scripture reading and a family activity decorating our worship space for Christmas.  The choir will be singing, our children’s choir will sing, you won’t want to miss it!  Knowing some have a difficult time driving at night, we are sponsoring a “ride share.”  If you need a ride to and from church that Sunday evening, or you would like to provide a ride, there is a signup sheet in the hallway by the office, you can also signup online through the link provided in the bulletin, or you can call the church office.  We want everyone to come to this special night.  We will also have a fellowship following the service so, bring your favorite Christmas snack to share with others.

This is also time for the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Post Office.  This is a way for you to send Christmas cards to church members.  There will be mailboxes around the church, just drop you cards in one.  They will be collected and then you will find a table in the foyer with alphabetized file folders.  You will want to check each week and pick up your cards.  It would be great if Sunday School Classes would appoint someone to check each Sunday before class and grab cards for class members.  Mailboxes will be available the first Sunday in December through Sunday, December 22.  The boxes are for those who attend services.  If you want to send cards to members who are unable to attend, please mail those, or better yet, deliver them in person!

Oh, due to the fact that the first Sunday is the Sunday after Thanksgiving, we will not have First Sunday Lunch in December.  But, as I said above, we will be eating after Hanging the Greens on Sunday evening, December 8!
Have a blessed week, and I’ll see you Sunday.
