On My Mind...

Thanks to Russell for his planning and guiding our prayer service on Sunday evening.  I appreciate his emphasis on guiding us from our own work to looking out to other churches and ministries, our state and national work, the needs of the world and our responsibility to pray for those in authority over us. Too often our focus is on “me and mine.”  We have the responsibility and privilege of praying for others.  In that light, I think it is good to look around on Sunday morning at your fellow worshipers and ask yourself, “How can I pray for, encourage, and minister to others?”  Again, in worship, it’s easy to focus on what I want or need.  If we take seriously Paul’s admonition to count others more important than ourselves, we will find ourselves saying, “I don’t care for this song, but it sure seems to mean something to her.  I’m going to minister to her by singing for her encouragement.”  Yes, worship is God-directed.  We worship Him, but worship is also a means of feeding, encouraging and caring for others.  We do not gather as individual worshipers.  We gather as a body, a people, a family.  We do not come to express ourselves in worship, we gather as a people to declare a statement to God and the world.  It’s not about me, it is about us, together.  Think about that.  It might just transform your worship experience.

Don’t forget that we will be gathering for our “First Sunday Lunch” following worship this Sunday morning.  I hope you will join us.  It’s just not that same without you.  Then on the 9th, we will have our annual Souper Bowl Challenge on Sunday evening.  You’ve got some time to tweak your award-winning recipe.  Even if you’re not entering the competition, you will want to join us for some great food and even better fellowship.  There will be prizes for both soup and chili, some cornhole competitions, some great desserts and I think there’s some sort of sporting event on television but I’m not sure.

Join us on Wednesday evening for Bible study at 6:30, we have just started a study of systematic theology.  This week we will consider the doctrine of God.  

I’m looking forward to worshiping with you and your family, as we gather this coming Lord’s Day.  Have a blessed week, and I’ll see you Sunday.
