On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on June 10th, 2024
Admit it.  It chaps you.  You don’t like it any more than I do.  When wicked people “get away” with it – it burns you up.  And yet it seems to happen every day.  We have even set the sentiment in stone when we say, “nice guys finish last.”  We expect the good guy to get burned.  We sing, “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken,” and we want to believe it, but sometimes we wonder.  Why do the wicke...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on June 3rd, 2024
The first question of the Westminster Catechism asks, “What is the chief end of man?”  The answer, “To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”  The apostle Paul calls on the believers in Corinth to glorify God in all that they do.  Repeatedly in the Scripture we are called upon to give praise, glory and honor to our God.  This is at the heart of worship.  Worship is our natural response to the greatne...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on May 28th, 2024
I have a pastor friend in another state and we talk on the phone regularly.  We call each other in an effort to encourage one another.  We talk about what’s going on in our families and in our churches.  We share our joys and heartaches.  We talk about our struggles.  When he is telling me about the struggles in his congregation I usually say, “Well you know what you ought to do” and then I give h...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on May 21st, 2024
Well, we are a day late in getting the newsletter out because we were without electricity until yesterday afternoon around 4:00 pm.  I tree just up the street west of us took out the power line.  What a great day we had Sunday!  It’s always special when we observe baptism, but it was especially sweet for me getting to baptize one of my grandchildren.  It was also special recognizing our graduates ...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on May 13th, 2024
What a great day Sunday!  I appreciate the word Devin brought to us, enjoyed the singing but most of all, enjoyed being with you.  Every week is special as we gather as the family of God to sing the praise of God, hear His word proclaimed and encourage one another.  This coming Sunday is no exception.  We will gather again for worship and this time we will recognize our graduates and witness bapti...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on May 6th, 2024
This Sunday, May 12, is Mother’s Day.  That is a day for recognizing and showing appreciation for our moms.  Evangelist Billy Sunday perhaps overstated the matter when he declared, “Give a boy a godly mother and any old stick will do for a dad,” but it is hard to overestimate the worth of a godly mother.  I am forever grateful for the mother the Lord gave to me.  I’m grateful for her unfailing lov...  Read More