On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on September 3rd, 2024
What are we to do when we disagree?  How are we to handle problems that arise within the church?  Is every issue the same?  Is there “a” way to approach every situation?  What is “the” governing issue?  Is it truth?  Is it love?  Is it the integrity or wholeness of the gospel or is it fellowship and harmony among the members?  These are not merely rhetorical questions.  I don’t know if you are awa...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on August 26th, 2024
It’s true.  The older you get the faster life moves.  I blinked and it is September!  Of course, kids are back in school, sports programs are kicking off, a new church year is looming.  Busy times.As we look at a new year, we have a couple of pressing needs.  One, we have need of someone to coordinate our funeral dinners.  This person will be responsible of overseeing the work of the benevolence c...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on August 20th, 2024
Have you ever been so discouraged you just wanted to give up?  Ever been so depressed that you just felt like you wanted to die?  Ever found yourself in an unbearable situation in which you saw no way out and you just didn’t care anymore?  Has life ever dumped on you?  Have you ever had your worst nightmare become your reality?  When that happens life becomes overwhelming, even for those who are t...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on August 12th, 2024
Most of us want life to be like an amusement park.  We want “safe” thrills.  Oh, we like it when the adrenaline is pumping, the heart is racing, we struggle to catch our breath – so long as we know it is all in fun and nothing is really going to happen.  We like the idea that something can happen suddenly that will dramatically alter our lives – provided that it is for our “good.”  And by the way ...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on August 5th, 2024
When you think of worship, what comes to your mind?  Is it a certain kind of music?  Do you think Handel, Gaither, Gettys, Third Day or George Beverly Shea?  When you hear “worship” do you think primarily of music?  Maybe you think about what happens at church on Sunday morning and evening.  Do you think of a choir, congregational singing and a sermon.  Of course, those of you who are really godly...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on July 29th, 2024
Is it wrong to question?  Does the person who lives by faith walk in unquestioning obedience to God and never suffer from a twinge of doubt or confusion?  If you listen to modern day “faith teachers,” to have even the slightest doubt is to be denied the blessing of God.  Is that a biblical view?  Is that reflected in the lives of the saints in Scripture?  In exploring the life of Abraham, the frie...  Read More