Just Thinking
by Rod Harris on December 4th, 2023
Have you ever been so discouraged you just wanted to give up?  Ever been so depressed that you just felt like you wanted to die?  Has life ever dumped on you?  Have you ever had your worst nightmare become your reality?  When that happens life becomes overwhelming even for those who are the children of God.  Depression and despair have often hounded the saints through the ages.  We don’t talk abou...  Read More
Just Thinking
by Rod Harris on November 27th, 2023
Do you ever feel alone?  Isolated?  Forgotten?  Sometimes that feeling is due to your own actions or choices.  Other times, it is the result of circumstances beyond your control.  Regardless of the cause of such feelings, their presence can be debilitating.  Fear and hopelessness can obscure the promise of God and the assurance of His grace.  He was a long way from home.  Alone in a deserted place...  Read More
Just Thinking
by Rod Harris on November 20th, 2023
Thursday is Thanksgiving.  A day of feasting and celebration.  A time for giving thanks.  A day of remembrance.  As you look back this week what is it you will be grateful for?  When you consider God’s grace extended to you and your family what will cause your heart to sing?  Biblically we are commanded to give thanks for all things and in all things.  We are to rejoice and give thanks for both th...  Read More
Just Thinking
by Rod Harris on November 13th, 2023
It was great being at church on Sunday!  I appreciate so much the prayers, cards and words of encouragement over the last week.  I’m feeling good.  Plumbing is working, pain is gone, just a bit of soreness that will likely linger awhile longer.  I will follow up with the surgeon on Wednesday.  I appreciate Devin’s filling in for me the last two Sundays, he did an outstanding job.  It was good to s...  Read More
Just Thinking
by Rod Harris on October 30th, 2023
I just want to give you a few housekeeping items today.  First, don’t forget that Sunday is our First Sunday Lunch.  It will be a Thanksgiving Feast.  The church will provide turkey and ham and you bring your favorite side dishes and desserts.  I hope you will stay and have lunch on Sunday.  It is always a sweet time of fellowship around the tables.Also, don’t forget to “fall back” on Saturday eve...  Read More
Just Thinking
by Rod Harris on October 23rd, 2023
The first question of the Westminster Catechism asks, “What is the chief end of man?”  The answer, “To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.”  The apostle Paul calls on the believers in Corinth to glorify God in all that they do.  Repeatedly, in the Scripture, we are called upon to give praise, glory and honor to our God.  This is at the heart of worship.  Worship is our natural response to the great...  Read More