On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on July 22nd, 2024
Have you ever done battle with the “good old days?”  You remember the good old days, when never was heard a discouraging word and the skies were not cloudy all day.  Back when things were different.  Back when things were glorious.  Every child has had the good old days thrust upon them by their parents and or grandparents.  “Why back in my day…” fill in the blank.My dad used to say, “I’d take off...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on July 15th, 2024
It was great being back home yesterday!  We really enjoyed our vacation but there’s nothing like being with family in worship.  A week away seemed like a month.  It seems like summer just began but in just a few weeks, students will be heading back to school, and summer will be over.  I’m ready for the heat to be over but summer could go a little longer.  Summer concluding also means a new church ...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on July 8th, 2024
Do you find balance difficult?  I don’t mean physical balance.  I’m not talking about if you have some inner ear problem that throws your equilibrium off or some other malady that affects your motor skills, I mean a balanced perspective.  I’m talking about the way you view the world or the way you interpret data.  It seems to me that balance is lacking most everywhere.  One news channel claims to ...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on July 1st, 2024
This week we celebrate our nation’s founding.  I remember years ago, while in seminary, a fellow student was from England.  Another classmate, not the one who set the curve, asked, “Do you have the fourth of July in England?”  The answer was classic.  “Yes, we have July 4th…but we don’t celebrate it.”Well, we celebrate with fireworks, hotdogs, picnics and a day off.  I’m up for a little flag wavin...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on June 24th, 2024
Well, it’s here…VBS 2024!  We start this evening, Monday, June 24 at 6:00 PM.  The theme this year is “Breaker Rock Beach.”  Our motto for the week is, “God’s Truth Never Changes,” and our memory verse is Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”  Pray for our leaders...  Read More
On My Mind...
by Rod Harris on June 17th, 2024
He had studied long and hard.  He was tireless, working day and night, reading, writing, attending seminars and lectures - he was driven.  He was a college graduate, had earned a master’s degree but he was determined to reach the pinnacle.  He wanted to be called, “Doctor.”  Just as it seemed the illusive title was in sight - tragedy struck.  His main professor, the one overseeing his doctoral stu...  Read More